A path unveiled ffxiv
A path unveiled ffxiv

Once again, this fight comes down to a key mechanic. Poison Heart: A standard stack marker.Total Wreck: The single-target tankbuster.For this one, you want to touch the water orbs, which will protect you against the fire. Aether Spray – Fire: This version is a circle AoE covering the entire arena.Make sure you position yourself so that when you’re pushed out, you’re not pushed into a water orb. You want to stack near the center because otherwise you’ll get pushed into the fire. Aether Spray – Water: This version deals damage and pushes the party outwards from the center of the arena.Check below to see what each version does. Aether Spray: This attack comes in two versions, based on what happens during Aether Siphon.The boss will either draw water or fire into itself. Aether Siphon: A prelude to one of two attacks.Standing in an orb will lock you in place temporarily. When cast, the boss will summon six water orbs around the arena. Unholy Water: This action is the key to this fight.It also is the first attack that sets the edge of the arena on fire. Meaningless Destruction: A party-wide AoE you need to heal through.Don’t walk into the fire, or you’ll start burning and take a vulnerability debuff. You’ll fight the Wrecker in another circular arena - though this time, the edges of the arena are on fire. Some monsters just want to get in there and wreck shit. This group of enemies will hit slightly harder than the rest, so be prepared. The mother will transform first, but be mindful because the children will soon follow. Later, you’ll run into a mother Matanga and her children. In this group of pulls, you’ll first lookout for the Terminus Sprinter, which attacks with a long line AoE at a random target. Once you have a lock on them, the Snatcher is an easy foe to dispatch. Mastering Mouth Off and Lost Hope mechanics is most of the fight here. This will usually be combined with What Is Left / What Is Right. Wallow: This puts circular AoE markers on every party member.There’s no real trick to it you simply have to learn the timing. Time your movements in order to avoid Mouth Off. Whenever you move, the hand will stop spinning and you’ll only be able to move in that direction. You’ll see a spinning pointing hand above your head. Players may have previously seen this mechanic in raids like Omega and Rabanastre. Lost Hope debuffs the entire party with Temporary Misdirection. Lost Hope: This, combined with Mouth Off, is likely what will get players killed.There’s an alternate version called What is Right that does the same thing but reversed. This will usually be combined with Mouth Off, so be prepared. When the cast ends, it will attack the entire left side of the arena. What is Left: The boss rears back its left arm.Tanks: use one of your cooldowns for this. Last Gasp: The single-target tankbuster.The talking mouths will eventually explode in large circular AoEs, so you want to quickly use the silent mouths to find the safe spots. Some mouths say, “Such… pain…” while others are silent. Mouth Off: The boss moves to the center of the arena and places six mouths in a circular pattern around the arena.Note of Despair: The first attack is a party-wide AoE you simply need to heal through.You’ll fight the Snatcher in a circular arena. Like many first dungeon bosses, it’s largely a straightforward encounter, though the Snatcher does have one mechanic that might trip up players. Time to tackle our first boss in this odd dungeon. Face them away from the rest of the party. Tanks should also be cognizant of the Terminus Idolizer’s cone AoE attack. They’re not hard to deal with, but tanks should take notice. While you’ll focus on the immediate threat of the Terminus Trampler, you might miss that the two soldiers will morph into Terminus Shrivers. The twist of running Vanaspati is that you’ll frequently run into citizens who will morph into deadly beasts. Then, come back here for some help if you have trouble! First Mob Pull If you prefer to preserve the surprise of dungeons for yourself, give them a try first before referring to a guide. The Warrior of Light tries to save the world, but you can’t save everyone.īe warned that dungeon guides contain spoilers. Vanaspati is a dungeon that recalls Holminister Switch, a normal location that’s undergoing a dramatic catastrophe in real-time as you make your way through it. Instead, the forest is burning and the people of Radz-at-Han are becoming abominations.

a path unveiled ffxiv a path unveiled ffxiv

Vanaspati is the name of the mighty jungle of Thavnair, and your first visit there isn’t for a hunt. The third dungeon in Final Fantasy XIV : Endwalker is definitely one that sets a tone, establishing that this is the beginning of the Final Days.

A path unveiled ffxiv